Sunday, April 15, 2007

I am reaching the minimum payout in MYLOT!! Yahoooo!

Let me please, disclose to you, that very soon I will qualify for the minimum payout, in MYLOT. I am just having a decent earning of $8.53 at present and expecting to reach $10 by this weekend. Also, I have a star ranking of 9, out of 10, which, I feel is a very good ranking and also 259 discussions in my credit. All this with lot of sincere and quality posts, in 3 months time.

In this occasion I want to give the readers a important tip for earning lot of responses in Mylot, because, one has to remember that your earning depends a lot, on, how many users or friends respond to your discussions. Initially I got very less responses or even nil responses for my posts, irrespective of, they being, good and genuine ones. But then one of my mylot friends told me that, inviting a couple of friends after posting a new discussion, each time, will increase my responses. This is because, each time when you invite friends and they accept your friends request, they will view your profile and your discussions. It is very likely that they will respond to your posts. Also lot of people responds to their friends discussion only. So your discussions are always listed in the 'discussions started by your friends' section and hence attract a response.
I hope this will help my readers. I welcome any questions, that you have in mind and will be happy to help you out.

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